Do you create high-quality content?
Turn it into a book!
Creating your first book
with us is easier than ever!
Why do I need a book at all?

You might think:

"It's the 21st century, nobody reads books anymore."

Although in the age of social media it may seem that
a book is an outdated way to share information,

there are at least

4 reasons to write your own book:

Demonstrate your expertise
Nothing substantiates high qualifications in one's field as effectively as substantial written work. Referring to your own book while addressing specific questions – what could be better?
Increase your brand recognizability

You already have a lot of subscribers. They appreciate your work. Give them the opportunity to express gratitude for your efforts by recommending your book to their acquaintances and friends.
Strengthen your community
Let's say you have courses or consultations. In that case, a book is an additional opportunity to persuade people to take advantage of your offerings. Moreover, a book is a good option for passive income
Leave a mark in history
Due to circumstances beyond your control, you may lose the opportunity to provide consultations or conduct courses. However, a book will endure through the ages. Perhaps your children and grandchildren will quote your words.
  • Demonstrate your expertise
    Nothing substantiates high qualifications in one's field as effectively as substantial written work. Referring to your own book while addressing specific questions – what could be better?
  • Increase your brand recognizability
    You already have many subscribers. They appreciate your work. Give them the opportunity to express gratitude for your efforts by recommending your book to their acquaintances and friends.
  • Strengthen your community

    Let's say you have courses or consultations. In that case, a book is an additional opportunity to persuade people to take advantage of your offerings. Moreover, a book is a good option for passive income
  • Leave a mark in history

    Due to circumstances beyond your control, you may lose the opportunity to provide consultations or conduct courses. However, a book will endure through the ages. Perhaps your children and grandchildren will quote your words.

Although.... How it works?

How it works?
You provide the content.

We take care of the rest.

Yes, it's that simple!

Don't believe it? See for yourself!

  • Your preferences

    First, we clarify your preferences: book size, content, whether a printed version is needed, or if an electronic version is sufficient. We create a draft.
  • Getting started

    Copywriters diligently search for materials on the designated topics in your social media. If desired, you can specify specific sources from which you want information to be taken on a particular topic.
  • Proofreading by a professional editor.

    These individuals are specially trained to edit text: to find places where the text may be difficult to understand and make it accessible to the reader. All real people, not just AI scam!
  • Publication
    We guide you through the publication of your book on online bookstores and provide guidance on choosing a publisher for the printed version. Don't worry: you won't be alone with your book.
We can do even more for you :)
  • Authorial editing.

    You can also read the chapters as soon as they become available.
  • Illustration content

    Where necessary, we can fill your book with illustrations.
  • Book's website

    We can also update your existing website with information about the book. Or, we can even create a new, separate website for your book, with the option to purchase it online, means instant value delivery for the end reader.

But wait a minute, who are you?

Who we are?

We are old friends who have joined forces

to solve specific problems of good people,

making our world a little bit better.

We have already published several books. The amount of investment in these books paid off in the first days after the official announcement.
People are still reading. All is not lost yet.
We are sure that similar results are possible for your book!
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